Concerto a Tempo D’Umore
Photo by teatrofernangomez

Next Wednesday, April 4, at 12 noon, Concerto a Tempo D’Umore will be presented, which can be seen in the Sala Guirau del Fernán Gómez. CC of the Villa.

Concerto a Tempo D’Umore of the Orchestra of Cambra del Empordà is directed by Jordi Purtí, actor for five years of Els Joglars and with 70 shows in his professional career. The show is aimed at all audiences and can be seen from April 4 to 15 in the Sala Guirau theater.

Concerto a Tempo D’Umore is a unique show in the world that is presented for the first time in Madrid. Eleven musicians and an orchestra director show us a comic and musical montage with a soundtrack formed by the best-known pieces of the great authors of classical music (such as Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, Bach Ave Maria, 9th Beethoven Symphony or the Hungarian Dances of Brahms, among others). A gesture theater with a lot of humor, where a fun plot is created, aimed at both an adult and child audience, since children will have fun with the “gags” that are happening. Concerto a Tempo D’Umore is an interactive show, the audience participates on the stage while the musicians go down to the stalls.

Photo by teatrofernangomez

Useful / Tourist Information

Address Plaza de Colón, 4. 28001 Madrid. MAP
Telephone 913 30 28 00
How to get Metro
Colón (línea 4), Serrano (línea 4)
1, 5, 9, 14, 19, 21, 27, 37, 45,  51, 53,  74, 150
Train / Cercanías
Schedule Tuesday to Sunday – 20:00 h.

Other times:
Family functions: Weekends. 17 hours.
Morning functions 11 hours

Price General admission – € 18
Tuesday and Wednesday – € 17
Friends TFG – € 15 (50 seats per function)
Groups (+ of 10 pax) – € 15 (every day)
School groups: € 13 (every day)
Family functions: (Days 7, 8, 14 and 15 April, 17 hours).
Morning functions: € 10 (Days 5, 6 and 11 April, 11 hours).